2018 PRCA Media Guide

Past World Champions 1929-2017 by name

Durfey, Tyson

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2016 (TD)

Hedeman, Tuff


1986, 1989, 1991 (all BR) 1975-76, 1982 (all SB)

Duvall, Roy

1967, 1969, 1972 (all SW)

Henson, Monty Herman, Wayne

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1992 (BB) 1963 (TR) 1961 (TR)

Edmondson, Joel

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1983 (SW) 2004 (BR)

Hirdes, Les Hooper, Al

Elliott, Dustin Etbauer, Billy

1992, 1996, 1999-2000, 2004 (all SB)

Houston, Jim Hudson, Jim

1964-65 (both BB)

Etbauer, Robert

1990-91 (both SB)

1941 (TR)

Evetts, H.P.

1974 (TR)

Hull, Mark

1943 (TR [tie])

Feild, Kaycee Feild, Lewis

2011-14 (all BB)

Hurley, Bobby Hyland, Mel

1993, 1995 (both TR) 1972 (SB), 1976 (SB [tie])

1985 (2-AA, BB), 1986 (2-AA, BB), 1987 (AA)

Felts, Arnold Ferguson, Tom

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1981 (SR)

Jarrett, Ryan

2005 (AA)

1974 (2-AA, TD), 1975 (AA [tie]), 1976 (AA), 1977 (2-AA, SW), 1978 (2-AA, SW), 1979 (AA)

Jauregui, Andy Johnson, Ben Johnson, Clint Johnson, Jhett Johnson, Teddy Jones, John W. Jr. Jones, John W. Sr.

1931 (SR), 1934 (TR)

1953 (TR)

1980, 1987-89 (all SB)

2011 (TR) 2003 (SW)

Ferley, Chad Finley, Larry Fletcher, Kid Ford, Bruce

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2006, 2013 (SB)

1947 (BB) 1938 (BR)

1984, 1988-89 (all SW)

1970 (SW) 1972 (SR) 1936 (SW)

1979-80, 1982-83, 1987 (all BB) 1947, 1949 (both TD) 1965, 1967-68 (all TD)

Keller, Allen

Kerschner, Jack Kimzey, Sage

Fort, Troy

2014-17 (all BR)

Franklin, Glen Frost, Lane Gardner, Ace Garrett, Mark Garrett, Marvin

Kirby, Butch Knight, Pete

1978 (BR)

1987 (BR) 1932 (TR) 1996 (BB)

1932-33, 1935-36 (all SB)

Kornell, Bill Kruse, Jesse

1963 (BR) 2009 (SB)

1988-89, 1994-95 (all BB) 1966, 1970 (both TD) 1974-77, 1979-81, 1984 (all BR)

LaJeunesse, Lan LeDoux, Chris Leffew, Gary Lewis, Monty Linderman, Bill Linderman, Bud Logue, Chuck Lowe, Will Luman, Ken Lybbert, Chris

1999, 2001 (both BB)

Garrison, Junior

1976 (BB) 1970 (BR) 2004 (TD)

Gay, Don

Gee, Mickey

1999 (SW)

1943 (BB), 1945 (SB), 1950 (3-AA, SW, SB), 1953 (AA)

Gellerman, Doyle

1981 (TR [tie])

Gill, Ernest

1945 (TR)

Gjermundson, Brad 4

1981, 1983-85 (all SB)

1945 (BB) 1990 (BB)

Gladstone, Jim Gleason, Brad

1977 (TD) 1997 (SW)

2003, 2005-06 (all BB)

Glenn, Joe

1948, 1967 (both TR)

1966 (TR)

Gomes, Mark Good, Charles

1998 (BB) 1976 (SR) 1979 (SR)

1982 (AA), 1986 (TD) 1971 (2-AA, TD), 1972 (2-AA, TD), 1990 (SR) 1965 (BR), 1966 (AA), 1967 (2-AA, BR), 1968 (AA), 1969 (AA), 1970 (AA), 1973 (AA) 1939-41, 1943, 1945, 1948, 1950 (all TD) 1929 (2-TR, SR)

Lyne, Phil

Good, Gary

Gorsuch, Dean

2006, 2010 (both SW) 2005, 2009 (both SW)

Maggini, Charles

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Graves, Lee

Mahan, Larry

Greenough, Deb

1993 (BB)

Griffith, Dick Grubb, Pete

1939-42 (all BR)

1938 (BB), 1940 (TR)

Mansfield, Toots


Hale, Billy

1971 (SW) 1964 (TR) 2013 (TD) 2000 (BR)

Hamilton, Bill Hanchey, Shane Hancock, Cody Harris, Bobby

Marshall, Bob Marvel, Joe Masters, Chad

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1973 (SW) 1978 (SB)

2007, 2012 (both TR- hdr) 1952, 1956, 1965 (all SW) 1966, 1970 (both BB)

1991 (TR [tie])

Harris, J.W. Hart, Harry

2008-10, 2013 (all BR)

May, Harley


1939 (SW) 1963 (BB)

Mayo, Paul


Hawkins, John



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